Hexthorpe Primary School is committed to serving its school community and the community of the local surrounding area. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these inclusive values.
We encourage admissions from all those entitled to education under British law regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status. We are a school for all.
At Hexthorpe Primary School we promote British values through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which is taught across the school’s curriculum and supports the development of the whole child. These values and attitudes are promoted by all staff and provide a model of behaviour for our pupils.
The Rule of Law
- We have a clearly structured behaviour policy which all stakeholders understand and follow.
- Pupils are involved in making decisions which feeds into their rewards and sanctions.
- School has links with the local Police and local PCSOs visit regularly to raise awareness on specific issues.
- Pupils are empowered to take ownership of their own learning.
- Collective worships are planned and delivered with a focus on school rules and responsibilities.
- In Year 6, pupils visit Crucial Crew and take part in real life scenarios involving Police, the law courts and fire and safety.
Mutual Respect
- The values of mutual respect can be seen in all areas of school life; pupils are encouraged to promote each other, to respect the adults they interact with and also to respect the world around them. Our PSHE, R.E and Geography curriculums have topics that specifically aim to teach these skills but we believe it is modelled by everything we do and everybody we talk to.
- Our school rules and expectations highlight the importance of respect.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
- Our RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.
- Our school celebrates diversity and sees it as strength as many of our pupils speak English as their second language.
- We ensure that diversity and tolerance is modelled through an appreciation of different traditions and celebrations in our lessons and Collective Worships.
- Resources throughout the school are used to support the integration of EAL pupils into our school society. Their home language is celebrated on displays for all to see and documents translated so that parents can be involved in the school life of their child.
- At Hexthorpe Primary we encourage pupils to use their pupil voice to share ideas and concerns and be involved in decision making that affects the whole school.
- Pupils vote for their class councillors and experience a democratic system where school council representatives share their views on school improvement and what they would do to make the school a better place.
- We encourage ownership of a child’s own learning and the opportunity to vote for changes within their classroom.
Individual Liberty
- Pupils at Hexthorpe Primary School are encouraged to become good citizens who can contribute positively to their local community. We teach respect and the rights and responsibilities of being a member of our society.
- Our PSHE topics on Anti-Bullying teach pupils to accept responsibility for poor choices in their attitude to learning the difference between right and wrong.
- Our extra curriculum clubs and wider opportunities allow pupils the freedom to make choices safely.
- Self-esteem and self-confidence is nurtured at every opportunity so that our pupils develop their independence and their inner voice. This gives them the confidence to say No when appropriate.
- Individuals are challenged through roles of responsibility such as: The Junior Leadership Team, School Council, monitors and Mini- PCSOs.